Setting up SFTP on Ubuntu

Let’s start at the beginning; why sftp? Well, would you transmit your private details (including your password) in plain text? No? Well, FTP does. FTP is one of several protocols on a computer that transmits usernames and passwords in plain text across the...

Useful SVN Commands LTS

In no particular order, a list of SVN Commands that I use most often. Note that these are command line instructions, if you need a GUI all the following are available in Tortoise. svn info Shows which repository you are working in, and details about who committed last...

Useful Mac Commands

Having recently joined the dark side and purchased a Mac Mini, there are a few Terminal commands I find myself needing regularly, but always forgetting. So I’ll keep them here. Note: MacOS is really Linux…. but we don’t tell the Apple Fanboys that...
Web Development Contract

Web Development Contract

  Here is a sample contract for Web Development. This will be one of a short series of contracts that will be developed for open use. We want to make this contract as useful as possible for small web development companies and freelancers, so if you see anything...